Die Einkaufsdatenbank für den Binnenmarkt - Made in Germany
Leather auxiliaries
Preservative agents for leather
Metall surface treatment and preserving agents
Round belts
Safety harnesses
Lines, cords
Outfits for exercising and gymnastics
Rock slide helmets
Mountain climbing belts (chest and seat belts)
Mountaineering ropes
Abseil or rappel equipment, ladders, rope and climbing grips, grip wedges
Snap-hooks, spring-hooks, trigger snaps for mountain climbing ropes
Mountain climbing hooks and ice screws
Mountaineering and ice hammers, ice axes and picks
Apparatus for locating avalanche victims
Hides used for gaining traction for ascent
Paraglider lines
Bivouac sacks
Hose jackets, braided
Albrecht von Dewitz Antje von Dewitz
HRA 620421, Ulm
DE 147 358 761